Best Sport psychologist football psychologist media psychologist Roberto Forzoni tennis psychologist

Thinking Errors: 1

Mr ForzoniLife

Hi…In the previous modules, we looked at the most common types of thinking errors – or as we also describe them – irrational thoughts, and we explored the negative consequences of this type of thinking. We also suggested ways you could counteract each of the types of thinking. As an overview, now we’ll look at a summary – almost all-encompassing …

Best Sport psychologist football psychologist media psychologist Roberto Forzoni tennis psychologist

Thinking Errors: 2

Mr ForzoniLife

In the last module we started to look at ways of dealing with thinking errors and looked at how our environment and the people we most mix with can have a big impact and influence on the way we think. We also looked at the first step in dealing with our negative, irrational patterns of thinking – and that was …

Best Sport psychologist football psychologist media psychologist Roberto Forzoni tennis psychologist

Thinking Errors: 3

Mr ForzoniLife

In this module, we’ll continue our look at the most common thinking errors and irrational beliefs that might affect you. We review what they are, potential consequences of thinking in this way and offer you alternative ways of thinking that will be beneficial to you. This will help you change your self-talk By understanding how this type of thinking can …

Best Sport psychologist football psychologist media psychologist Roberto Forzoni tennis psychologist

Thinking Errors: 4

Mr ForzoniLife

We’re going to continue our look at the common thinking errors looking at three more types in this module – mindreading, labeling, and emotional reasoning Thinking Error 6. Mindreading. ‘She thinks I’m an idiot’ We make assumptions about people and their intentions all the time. That’s human nature. In many cases though, our imagination runs wild and we leap to …

Best Sport psychologist football psychologist media psychologist Roberto Forzoni tennis psychologist v

Thinking Errors:1.1

Mr ForzoniLife

Introduction This programme complements the programme on self-talk, so if you haven’t yet listened to that programme it would be beneficial to do so. In the self-talk programme we looked at our inner voice, discussing the importance of being aware of the types of talk and the questions we must ask ourselves. We explored how, by simply changing the talk …

Best Sport psychologist football psychologist media psychologist Roberto Forzoni tennis psychologist

Thinking Errors: 2.2

Mr ForzoniLife

In the previous module, we started looking at thinking errors and significantly, how they can affect how we feel and then behave. We’ll continue in this module and begin to explore specific types of thinking errors, looking at two types – what we call ‘catastrophising’ and ‘all-or-nothing’ thinking. As a reminder – these thinking-errors are simply a consequence of what …

Best Sport psychologist football psychologist media psychologist Roberto Forzoni tennis psychologist

Thinking Errors: 5

Mr ForzoniLife

We’re going to finish our exploration into thinking errors in this module by looking at the final five types: Disqualifying the positive. Emotive Language Personalisation Blaming oughts & musts Thinking Error 9. Disqualifying the positive. Very similar to filtering which takes out selected elements to fit in with your existing beliefs. With disqualifying the positives, you disregard anything positive or …

Best Sport psychologist football psychologist media psychologist Roberto Forzoni tennis psychologist

Make it Happen 1

Mr ForzoniLife

Make it happen part 1 I want to change You’ve got an idea, a goal, a dream – something you’d love to do, or even something you’d like to change – but haven’t quite managed to do it yet …sound familiar? In this programme we look at ‘what it takes to make it happen’…. How to turn your goals into …

Best Sport psychologist football psychologist media psychologist Roberto Forzoni tennis psychologist

Make it Happen: 2

Mr ForzoniLife

Make it happen part 2 I want to change 2 In the previous module we looked at five key factors that will help you get to where you want to get – to remind you they were: Determine what you want –and see the result – “powerfully imagined” Preparation and planning Confidence or belief A commitment of emotional energy Being …

Best Sport psychologist football psychologist media psychologist Roberto Forzoni tennis psychologist

Make it Happen: 3

Mr ForzoniLife

Make it happen part 3 The ten obstacles  In the previous module, we looked at the ten elements needed to get you where you want to be. Achieving your goals is not always easy and normally the bigger the goal, the more challenges come your way. Why, when setting an important goal, do most people not follow through? What exactly …